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Tell Me About Tagging

Been setting up your onCourse database and want to know more about what you can do with tags? Some practical examples of how tags can be used to manage your internal data and used to drive the navigation of your website. You should have onCourse installed, with your courses, classes, sites and tutors set up, to get full benefit from this course. [More]
$0 Limited / $0
Tell Me About Tagging

Been setting up your onCourse database and want to know more about what you can do with tags? Some practical examples of how tags can be used to manage your internal data and used to drive the

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2024-05-19 2024-05-19
Venue TBA

[TRAINER’s] [MODEL] Training [MONTH] 2022


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Introduction to Quick Enrol

An introductory course for office staff responsible for responding to customer enquiries and processing enrolments. An overview of onCourse is followed by step-by-step training in creating new students, searching for classes and entering enrolments. A sample datafile will be provided prior to class, and you will need install a local copy of the server to complete the exercises. [More]

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Installing and Upgrading onCourse

Not quite sure how or where to install the onCourse server and client software? Let our friendly technicians guide you through the download, install and initial set up process to get you up and running in no time. [More]

VET Courses and Outcomes

For RTO customers who need to create courses with Qualifications and Units of Competency. How to set up VET courses, specify nominal hours and enter outcomes at the completion of training. Plenty of opportunity for questions. [More]

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Certificates and Statements of Attainment

For RTO customers who wish to know more about creating AQF compliant certificates out of onCourse at the completion of student training. Meeting AQTF requirements regarding Certificate recall and re-issue also discussed. [More]

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CSWE Program Management

For colleges who deliver student focused English training from the Certificate in Spoken and Written English programs. We will guide you through the set up of classes, recording of outcomes and issuing of certificates, working through some of the specific features and reports in onCourse specifically designed to ensure your AVETMISS compliance in relation to these programs. [More]

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Class Cancellation, Transfers and Refunds

Recomended for office managers and advanced onCourse users, this training program covers the onCourse reports and process involved in deciding to cancel a class, contacting students and processing refunds. A sample datafile will be provided prior to class, and you will need install a local copy of the server to complete the exercises. [More]

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Firewalls, Hackers and You

An introductory program for small businesses operators who are new to the world of data security. A non-technical explanation of firewalls, website security, SSL certificates and physical data security for your office. Also included is information regarding security requirements for businesses using online transactions, so you are in position to make an informed choice regarding payment gateway options. [More]

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Email Filtering and Security

Is your business at a stage where running your own email server would be preferable to using your ISPs email accounts? Find out more regarding cost effective solutions for taking control of your businesses electronic communication and ridding your business of unwanted email.Or do you want to take revenge on those who spammed you?First changeSecond changeThird change [More]

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SMS Marketing - getting it right first time

The secrets to using SMS as an effective method of customer contact, without being intrusive or irritating. What types of messages will your customers find beneficial and what promotions are better suited to more traditional methods of communication? A discussion of Australian advertising law and opportunities for questions also. [More]

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